This post contains spoilers to
the 2012 movie, Django Unchained,
which you really should have seen by now it's an excellent movie no
excuses but I highly recommend it
“This Christmas was supposed to be
all about me and Jay Gatsby. After an unfortunate turn of events,
though, I figured I would just spend Christmas vacation crying in my
room (you know, in between opening gifts, playing poker, and stuffing
my face full of ham). Leonardo DiCaprio had another movie planned to
be released this Christmas, though, and it taught me about the true
meaning of Christmas.”
Is what I wrote when I thought I was
going to be seeing Django Unchained before freaking March. And
while I had correctly predicted how I spent my holiday break, I never
finished the post (which is actually pretty good considering I was
planning to somehow compare Django with another Christmas
release, Les Mis, which now seems like an impossible feat and
I don't know what I was thinking).
As my life would have it, I saw the
strictly R-rated movie with my mother. The old lady guilted me into
accompanying her to the theater to see Life of Pi, but we got
there too late. And that's when I saw the show times; Django
Unchained in ten minutes. It was like a holy ray of light shown
down from the heavens above and led me right to the poster.

So yeah we went to the movie and I lost
my Tarantino-virginity to his first (not going to actually fact-check
that) Spaghetti Western. (Oh, God, should I even put Tarantino and
virginity in the same sentence? Okay, I guess it's staying.)
Well, I love me some historical pieces
(okay so I like, like, one Civil War movie) and also movies with
genres named after my favorite food and starring my favorite actors,
and this one was no different.
Once you get past all the blood (red
corn syrup, anyone?) and the perhaps excessive use of the n-word
(neither of which I actually thought was that bad),
you get to the beautifully-scripted, excellently acted-out, and still
mildly-inappropriate (did I mention the nudity?) film that got all
sorts of buzz in the months since its release, and earned both
Christoph Waltz and Tarantino Oscars.
If I had one
complaint (which I do; just wait for it), it would be the fact that
also it was maybe a tad too long. Definitely not a medium-sized soda
movie. Stick to the small.
But overall it was
just (*sigh*) lovely.
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